We help food brands
innovate with purpose

Brands don’t have time

to think big picture long-term because
they’re busy running their business.

“97% of senior leaders said that being strategic was the leadership behavior most important to their organization’s success, yet 96% said they lacked the time for strategic thinking.”

- Harvard Business Review

Consultants don’t get brands

— their heartbeat, what makes them special,
or the practical realities of running their business.

Two common complaints of hiring consultants:
1) they only tell us what we already know
2) their ideas won’t work in the real world

So brands are left with either small ideas or crazy ideas they’ll never launch

like their 10th flavor line extension or
something totally out of their wheelhouse.

This makes brands short-sighted.

Good innovations solve
human problems

like accessible nutrition, sustainable sourcing,
fair labor practices, or food to fit modern lifestyles.

This requires thoughtful foresight.

Flavor Forward Strategy helps food brands innovate with purpose

We envision a world full of thoughtfully good food & we’ll meet the right brands where they are to help create it.

Because when purpose-driven brands win, we all win.